Preclinical Targeted α- and β−-Radionuclide Therapy in HER2-Positive Brain...
Title: Preclinical Targeted α- and β−-Radionuclide Therapy in HER2-Positive Brain Metastasis Using Camelid Single-Domain Antibodies Authors: PUTTEMANS JANIK; DEKEMPENEER YANA; EERSELS JOS; HANSSENS...
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Title: Trastuzumab Modified Barium Ferrite Magnetic Nanoparticles Labeled with Radium-223: A New Potential Radiobioconjugate for Alpha Radioimmunotherapy Authors: GAWEDA W; PRUSZYNSKI MAREK; CEDROWSKA...
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Title: Examining the thermal properties of unirradiated nuclear grade graphite between 750 and 2500 K Authors: PAVLOV TSVETOSLAV RUMENOV; LESTAK MATE; WENMAN MARK; VLAHOVIC LUKA; ROBBA DAVIDE;...
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Title: Determination of mass attenuation coefficients of Th, U, Np and Pu for oxygen Kα x rays using an electron microprobe Authors: POEML PHILIPP; LLOVET X. Publication Date: 2020-10-28 Type: Articles...
View ArticleTheoretical study of actinide complexes with macropa
Title: Theoretical study of actinide complexes with macropa Authors: KOVACS ATTILA Publication Date: 2020-10-28 Type: Articles in periodicals and books JRC N°: JRC120931
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